Enterprise Library for Firebird 0.7.0

Ho effettuato qualche piccola modifica al pacchetto. Grazie ad Alessandro Petrelli per le sue correzioni sullo script sql per la creazione del database Northwind.

Dal changelog:

5th April 2005 - version 0.7.0 released

 * License changed into LGPL
 * Cleaned up "bin" and "obj" directories  from some files which were used during the initial development process

 * Minor changes to "NorthwindForFirebird.sql" (thanks to Alessandro Petrelli)

 * Minor changes to "Readme.txt"

 * Added "Changelog.txt"
 * Version changed into 0.7.0

La potete scaricare qui:http://digilander.libero.it/Syscall/Andrew.EnterpriseLibrary-20050405.zip

Se riesco in questi giorni farò richiesta presso SourceForge.

Print | posted on mercoledì 6 aprile 2005 00:49