Un articolo interessante anche se discutibile per certi versi (ad esempio leggete i commenti), sta di fatto che Ruby on Rails è una figata pazzesca, e che MonoRail, pur molto interessante, per ora (e temo per sempre...) non gli si avvicina quanto a funzionalità...

Un piccolo estratto dell'articolo...

With Rails, you don't need an O/R Mapper.
By applying a few naming conventions while naming your database tables and columns, and your domain model objects, you can forget about the pain of implementing an O/R Mapper on your own. Ruby on Rails does it for you. In the simplest case, all you need to do to add a field in your view and persist it is to drop a textfield in your html, add the column you want the value to be stored in to the appropriate database table, then watch your user-entered text being persisted into that newly created column in the database. Really, that's all you need.

Fonte: InfoQ: Why Would a .NET Programmer Learn Ruby on Rails?


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