Fortunatamente non sono il solo a pensarlo: anche Jayson
Knight, "Schema Worker" di SubText (ovvero, colui che si occupa della parte DB)
non così entusiasta di CodePlex, e pare non sia il solo.
First off, I don’t have Visual Studio
Team System (though I do remember reading somewhere that MS will be releasing a
free TS plug-in for non VSTS VS installations soon (wow, enough acronyms
there?)), so it’s unusable for me. Second off, I just really don’t the
CodePlex website. Granted it’s simpler than say…SourceForge, but it’s too
simple. SourceForge is complex for a reason…having a distributed team
building a project is complicated. So I say, nothing to see
here…move along. Stick with established solutions like SourceForge (love
it or hate it…it just works, well most of the time).
Fonte: CodePlex -- Not Impressed
powered by IMHO 1.3
posted @ giovedì 18 maggio 2006 12:48