Live in the cloud

Ne abbiamo già sentito molto parlare e nei prossimi anni ne parleremo sempre di più. Sicuramente ci permetterà di sviluppare applicazioni migliori e sempre più avanzate… ma forse ci dovremo tutti trasformare in “cloud developers” e soprattutto “cloud sysem administrators”.

Scrive Ed Felten in un suo blog dal titolo: What Economic Forces Drive Cloud Computing?


Why, then, are we moving into the cloud? The key issue is the cost of management. Thus far we focused only on computing resources such as storage, computation, and data transfer; but the cost of managing all of this -- making sure the right software version is installed, that data is backed up, that spam filters are updated, and so on -- is a significant part of the picture. Indeed, as the cost of computing resources, on both client and server sides, continues to fall rapidly, management becomes a bigger and bigger fraction of the total cost. And so we move toward an approach that minimizes management cost, even if that approach is relatively wasteful of computing resources. The key is not that we're moving computation from client to server, but that we're moving management to the server, where a team of experts can manage matters for many users.


Forse non è tutto oro ciò che luccica e qualche azienda approfitterà per ridurre gli uffici IT interni per spostarsi “sulle nuvole”… ma forse sono troppo pessimista. Confused

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posted @ martedì 28 luglio 2009 17:15

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