febbraio 2011 Blog Posts

Jquery with mvc3

JQuery has been always an interesting topic, but I didn’t find time to try it… looking into MVC3 finally I get in touch with it. I succeded in using asp.net engine together with MVC3 in the same web app. For some reason global.asax events didn’t fire up, but I found that deleting the file and adding back fixes this problem.PaceSpeedCalculatorModel I tried to reuse asp.net master pages, without success. I gave up when I got an error saying that System.Web.Mvc.ViewMasterPage doesn’t derive from the correct class. I‘ll wait when this will be natively supported (MVC4?) or...

Upgrading to asp.net 4.0 & MVC 3

Time to get my hand dirty with some new web app. I setup a new account on somee, that hosts asp.net 4 apps for free. Uploaded a fresh new “hello world” app created by Visual studio 2010. Wanting to make something with asp.net and MVC I configured the web app to also support MVC 3 following instruction foun here. Nothing fancy, only few steps to get things done. To ease this process I created another web app configured as MVC 3 and compared the two. So I added references to appropriate assembly (some assembly...
