
The ASP Emporium...

Deploying Windows Firewall Settings for Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 2

Windows XP Service Pack 2 provides Windows Firewall, an enhanced firewall that is enabled by default. This white paper describes the methods used to deploy Windows Firewall settings in a managed environment.

WMI & .Net 1.1 Sp 1

Dopo tanto esser uscito pazzo... ho trovato   “...System.Management v1.1 SP1 fails to enable privileges required to executemethods on WMI classes.“ Qui la soluzione aspettando il prossimo Sp per risolvere il problema

Microsoft Office 2003 XML Reference Schemas

XML Reference Schemas

Visual Studio Extensibility Center

Qui si possono trovare informazioni su come personalizzare, estendere, ed integrare l'ambiente Visual Studio.

PInvoke .NET

Qui troverete un utile catalogo di dichiarazioni PInvoke di API Win32 per C# e VB .NET realizzato da Adam Nathan autore di ".NET and COM: The Complete Interoperability Guide".

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Design by Bartosz Brzezinski

Design by Phil Haack Based On A Design By Bartosz Brzezinski