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There are 1 entries for the tag log4net
Sending the LINQ To SQL log to log4net

Interessante codice x poter salvare i log di Linq to Sql con log4net: " DataContext Log Property can be used to print generated SQL query or command in the console window as shown below: db.Log = Console.Out; If you want to print the SQL query in DebugView or VS Output window you may use DebugWriter class(by Kris Vandermotten) .The usage of the class is pretty simple ... db.Log = new DebugWriter(); I wrote a small class that help you redirect DataContext messages to log4net .I've changed the DebugWriter and call it Log4NetWriter . The usage is still...

posted @ lunedì 11 febbraio 2008 17:25 | Feedback (71) |

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