
Il blog di Alberto
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Parsing del file di Mapping

Ecco il mio primo post, nel mio primo blog...

Oggi volevo trattare con voi Parsing dei file di Mapping creati per NHibernate.

Innanzitutto, a cosa può servire? Nel mio caso ad esempio per effettuare delle ricerche utilizzando le expression di NHibernate in modo tale da poter generalizzare un form che, passando una entity specifica, mi indichi tutte le proprietà ad essa associate.

Iniziamo dunque dalla prima classe, presa direttamente dalla seguente pagina web :,date,2006-09-25.aspx

Quindi convertiamo la classe in VB.NET e successivamente l’estendiamo.




Imports System

Imports System.Collections

Imports System.Reflection

Imports System.Reflection.Emit


Imports NHibernate

Imports NHibernate.Metadata

Imports NHibernate.Type

Imports NHibernate.Bytecode

Imports NHibernate.Mapping

Imports NHibernate.Loader


Public Enum AssociationType





End Enum


Public Class TypeMappingParser


    Private _typeMappings As Hashtable


    Public Sub New(ByVal factory As ISessionFactory)


    End Sub


    Public Function GetTypeMappingInfo(ByVal typeName As String) As TypeMappingInfo

        Return CType(_typeMappings(typeName), TypeMappingInfo)

    End Function


    Private Sub ParseMappings(ByVal factory As ISessionFactory)

        _typeMappings = New Hashtable()



    End Sub


    Private Sub IdentifyMappedTypes(ByVal factory As ISessionFactory)


        For Each type As Type In factory.GetAllClassMetadata().Keys


            'Dim icmd As IClassMetadata = factory.GetClassMetadata(type)

            Dim typeMappingInfo As TypeMappingInfo = New TypeMappingInfo(type)

            _typeMappings.Add(type.Name, typeMappingInfo)


    End Sub


    Private Sub ParseMappedTypes(ByVal factory As ISessionFactory)


        For Each type As Type In factory.GetAllClassMetadata().Keys

            ParsePropertiesAndAssociations(factory, type)



    End Sub


    Private Sub ParsePropertiesAndAssociations(ByVal factory As ISessionFactory, ByVal type As Type)


        Dim propertyIndex As Integer = 0


        Dim classMeta As IClassMetadata = CType(factory.GetAllClassMetadata()(type), IClassMetadata)

        Dim containingTypeMappingInfo As TypeMappingInfo = GetTypeMappingInfo(type.Name)


        For Each propertyType As IType In classMeta.PropertyTypes


            If (propertyType.IsAssociationType) Then


                ParseEntity(factory, containingTypeMappingInfo, propertyType, classMeta.PropertyNames(propertyIndex))


            ElseIf (propertyType.IsComponentType) Then


                ParseComponentType(factory, containingTypeMappingInfo, propertyType, classMeta.PropertyNames(propertyIndex))



                ParseValue(containingTypeMappingInfo, propertyType, classMeta.PropertyNames(propertyIndex))

            End If

            propertyIndex += 1


    End Sub


    Private Sub ParseComponentType(ByVal factory As ISessionFactory, ByVal containingTypeInfo As TypeMappingInfo, ByVal propertyType As IType, ByVal propertyName As String)


        If (Not _typeMappings.Contains(propertyType.Name)) Then


            Dim desc As TypeMappingInfo = New TypeMappingInfo(propertyType.ReturnedClass)

            _typeMappings.Add(propertyType.Name, desc)


            Dim entityPropInfo As New EntityPropertyInfo( _

                    containingTypeInfo, _

                    propertyType.ReturnedClass, _

                    propertyName, _

                    GetAssociationType(propertyType, False))


            'entityPropInfo.TypeMappingInfo = desc




            Dim compType As IAbstractComponentType = CType(propertyType, IAbstractComponentType)


            For index As Integer = 0 To compType.PropertyNames.Length - 1


                Dim subType As IType = compType.Subtypes(index)

                If (subType.IsAssociationType) Then


                    ParseEntity(factory, desc, subType, compType.PropertyNames(index))


                ElseIf (subType.IsComponentType) Then


                    ParseComponentType(factory, desc, subType, compType.PropertyNames(index))




                    ParseValue(desc, subType, compType.PropertyNames(index))

                End If





            containingTypeInfo.AddProperty( _

                New EntityPropertyInfo(containingTypeInfo, _

                 propertyType.ReturnedClass, _

                 propertyName, _

                 GetAssociationType(propertyType, False)))

        End If

    End Sub


    Private Sub ParseValue(ByVal containingTypeMappingInfo As TypeMappingInfo, ByVal propertyType As IType, ByVal propertyName As String)


        Dim info As ValuePropertyInfo = New ValuePropertyInfo(containingTypeMappingInfo, _

             propertyType.ReturnedClass, _




    End Sub


    Private Sub ParseEntity(ByVal factory As ISessionFactory, ByVal containingTypeInfo As TypeMappingInfo, _

            ByVal propertyType As IType, ByVal propertyName As String)


        If (propertyType.IsEntityType) Then


            Dim info As EntityPropertyInfo = _

                New EntityPropertyInfo(containingTypeInfo, _

                 propertyType.ReturnedClass, _

                 propertyName, _

                 GetAssociationType(propertyType, False))





            Dim collectionMeta As ICollectionMetadata = _

                            factory.GetCollectionMetadata((CType(propertyType, CollectionType)).Role)




            If (TypeOf collectionMeta.ElementType Is ComponentType) Then


                Dim componentType As ComponentType = CType(collectionMeta.ElementType, ComponentType)


                Dim info As EntityPropertyInfo = _

                    New EntityPropertyInfo(containingTypeInfo, _

                     componentType.ReturnedClass, _

                     propertyName, _

                     GetAssociationType(componentType, True))




            ElseIf (TypeOf collectionMeta.ElementType Is ManyToOneType) Then


                Dim info As EntityPropertyInfo = New EntityPropertyInfo( _

                    containingTypeInfo, _

                    collectionMeta.ElementType.ReturnedClass, _

                    propertyName, _

                    GetAssociationType(collectionMeta.ElementType, True))



                Throw New ApplicationException("Collection type " & collectionMeta.ElementType.Name & " was not recognized")

            End If

        End If

    End Sub


    Private Function GetAssociationType(ByVal type As IType, ByVal isCollection As Boolean) As AssociationType


        If (TypeOf type Is ManyToOneType AndAlso isCollection) Then

            Return AssociationType.OneToMany


        ElseIf (TypeOf type Is ManyToOneType) Then

            Return AssociationType.ManyToOne

        ElseIf (TypeOf type Is OneToOneType) Then

            Return AssociationType.OneToOne


            Return AssociationType.OneToOne

        End If

    End Function


End Class


Si può notare che, nel costruttore della classe si passi l'ISessionFactory; tramite questa semplice interfaccia, disponibile in NHibernate, si riesce a sapere qualunque cosa di qualunque entity mappata correttamente nel nostro assembly.

Inizierà dunque il parsing veri e proprio costruendosi una struttura identificando da prima le varie entity e quindi le varie proprietà di ognuna di esse stabilendo le eventuali relazioni tra i vari oggetti.

Sucessivamente per avere le informazioni dell'entity A, ad esempio, basta richiamare il metodo GetTypeMappingInfo("A") il quale restituirà un oggetto di tipo TypeMappingInfo




Public Class TypeMappingInfo



    Private _type As Type

    Private _listProperty As IList(Of IPropertyInfo)


    Sub New(ByVal type As Type)

        Me._type = type


        Me._listProperty = New List(Of IPropertyInfo)

    End Sub


    Public Sub AddProperty(ByVal obj As IPropertyInfo)


    End Sub


    Public ReadOnly Property ListProperty() As IList(Of IPropertyInfo)


            Return Me._listProperty

        End Get

    End Property


    Public ReadOnly Property TypeClass() As System.Type


            Return Me._type

        End Get

    End Property


    Public Overrides Function ToString() As String

        Return Me._type.Name

    End Function

End Class


Questa classe è il contenitore delle informazioni dell'entity richiesta. Oltretutto tramite la property TypeClass posso creare nuovi oggetti del tipo indicato.

Nel prossimo post vedo di allegare anche il resto del codice, con una semplice spiegazione del funzionamento dello stesso e del suo possibile utilizzo.

Un saluto a tutti

Alberto B.B.


Print | posted on venerdì 9 marzo 2007 20:05 |



# Parsing del file di Mapping

10/03/2007 11:41 |
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