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"You know you've achieved perfection in design, not when you have nothing more to add, but when you have nothing more to take away." Antoine de Saint-Exupery
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Brian Grunkemeyer sulla storia del TypeCode e dell'interfaccia IConvertible

Visto l'interesse che ha suscitato l'ultimo post, ho scritto a Brad Abrams chiedendo conferma per la mia supposizione e dettagli sulla storia dell'interfaccia IValue, lui mi risponde subito indirizzandomi a Brian Grunkemeyer e stamattina trovo nella mia casella email, scritto da Brian, questo splendido pezzo della storia di .NET:

This is a good question. I was digging through the history of this file to see if I could figure out what happened, and it’s not clear. We’ve had this “hole” in the TypeCode enum since October of 2000, and I can’t find an older set of bits. But, I’m sure that comment in IConvertible is right – this used to be TimeSpan. For TimeSpan, it’s possible we thought it would be interesting for a while, then we realized that frankly not that many people need to convert a Decimal to a TimeSpan, then removed it.

You might ask why we didn’t “fix” the enum when we removed whichever of these values we had originally added. It turns out that whenever we have a breaking change internally, we need to recompile all the code that might possibly depend on the removed or changed public surface area. For us, that would mean rebuilding everything that might have referred to TypeCode.String, whose value would have changed from 18 to 17. While we do go through that process internally in DevDiv, it is costly & painful for us. Back then with some underdeveloped internal processes, it usually took 2 weeks, then even longer if your change requires a rebuilt compiler to be checked in as a new “safe” build of a compiler. Back in 2000, we were racing to ship as soon as possible (even though we didn’t ship for another year or two), so we wanted to limit churn like this. It’s sometimes easier to not deal with that level of churn in the product.

For your other question about IValue, that was the original name for IConvertible. We exposed a Variant type to match OLE Automation’s VARIANT type on the native side, for COM Interop reasons. The VB team actually was thinking that Variant should be conceptually the root of their object hierarchy (at least in terms of how types were exposed in VB 7), but that seemed a little silly. Fortunately, Anders Hejlsberg convinced them to use Object instead and we’d expose IConvertible on the base data types to allow VB users to easily change from one data type to another. So we marked Variant internal & we only use it in a handful of places internally for COM-related functionality.

Grazie ragazzi!

Print | posted on lunedì 17 marzo 2008 20:24 | Filed Under [ Un po' di storia Carillon .NET ]

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