Web Log di Adrian Florea

"You know you've achieved perfection in design, not when you have nothing more to add, but when you have nothing more to take away." Antoine de Saint-Exupery
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La lista di un Amigo

Grady Booch, uno dei tre famosi "Three Amigos", ha raccolto una lista equilibratissima e di finissimo palato di siti dedicati all'architettura software. La riposto qui sotto per chi ha troppa fretta per registrarsi sul sito di Booch:

Software Engineering Institute -> Software Architecture
University of California, Irvine -> Institute for Software Research -> Software Architecture Research
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign -> The Software Architecture Group
University of Southern California -> Software Architecture Group
University of Stuttgart -> Project Bauhaus
University of Texas -> Product-Line Architecture Research Group
University of Waterloo -> Software Architecture Group

Bredemeyer Consulting
IBM -> IBM Patterns for e-business
Microsoft -> Microsoft Architects JOURNAL
Philips -> Gaudí System Architecting
Zachman Institute for Framework Advancement

Data and Analysis Center for Software -> Software Architecture
European Patent Office
Japan Patent Office
Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand
Software Productivity Consortium -> Architecture
United States Patent and Trademark Office

Professional Organizations
Hillside Group
IEEE Architecture Working Group
International Council on Systems Engineering
Pattern Language Association
Wikipedia -> Software Architecture
4th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture

La mia lista la trovate nella sezione My Links sul mio blog.

Print | posted on giovedì 19 agosto 2004 16:53 | Filed Under [ Pattern Dappertutto ]

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