Appena premuto il bottone "Inserici" per il post precedente, scopro un altro quiz (sempre della Session TS-2575 di 2004 JavaOne Conference presentata da Joshua Bloch e Neal Gafter) irriproducibile in C#: "5. Shades of Gray" (per essere precisi, l'autore in realtà è Dominik Gruntz e il quiz appare per la prima volta un anno e mezzo fa su Journal of Object Technology in un articolo interessante, intitolato "C# and Java: The Smart Distinctions").
Si tratta di un'altra "feature" di Java: "Java makes a distinction between the namespace of fields, methods and nested classes within a class, i.e., it is possible to declare a field, a method and a static inner class with the same name.", ovviamente con lo svantaggio che: "As nested classes and fields are accessed with the same scope resolution operator, access may be diffcult if both a field and a nested class are declared with the same name.". Ma, continua Dominik Gruntz, "In C# this problem is also fixed. All declarations in a class fall into the same namespace, thus it is not possible to declare a field and a nested class with the same name. C# also prohibits the declaration of fields and methods with the same name.". Il compilatore C# dà questo errore di compilazione: "The class 'X' already contains a definition for 'Y'"
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