Ecco un altro tool molto comodo da aggiungere all’arsenale che uso durante le migrazioni:
…How to save all my passwords for networks and all certificates. Digging a bit deeper I found a way to do it, by using command line prompt.
“netsh wlan show profiles” will show you all wireless network profiles in your system
”netsh wlan export profile name=”name” folder=”folder”” will export each profile to xml file (you can also run netsh wlan export profile” to export them all as bunch
”netsh wlan add profile filename=”name”” will restore each one of profiles and returns them into the system
For some reason, I cannot see my mother doing it… More then this, I cannot see myself remember all those command and doing it manually for each one of saved profiles (and I have a lot of them)
What’s the solution? Build handy tool! I’m developer after all and know to solve my and other’s problems by code.
Let me introduce you WirelessMigrator…
Leggete tutto alla Fonte: Backup and restore your wireless networks settings by using WirelessMigrator
P.s. certo che a volte l’insonnia fa brutti scherzi…