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SQL Server 2005 CTP appena rilasciata... o quasi!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today, Microsoft released the third Community Technical Preview (CTP) for SQL Server 2005. The latest CTP includes a number of new features, such as enhanced integration with Visual Studio 2005, performance improvements in Management Studio, a SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005 upgrade tool, and 64-bit support for Reporting Services, Notification Services and the management, development and configuration tools.

The SQL Server 2005 CTP is now available to all MSDN and Betaplace subscribers.

Su MSDN non c'è ancora... dovrebbe essere disponibile a breve...

Update: su Betaplace si trova, assieme al nuovo SQL Server Express e all'Express Manager... Per il Visual Studio.NET relativo bisogna aspettare domani per una nuova build...

Print | posted on giovedì 3 marzo 2005 17:18 |

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